
14 Practical Ways to Embrace Zero-Waste Grocery Shopping

5. Use Reusable Produce Bags

In addition to your reusable grocery bags, invest in some lightweight, reusable produce bags. These bags are great for carrying loose fruits, vegetables, and bulk items like nuts or grains. They’re usually made from materials like cotton or mesh and can be easily washed after each use.

Using reusable produce bags reduces the need for the single-use plastic bags that stores provide, which often end up in landfills or as litter.

6. Buy Local and Seasonal

One of the most sustainable ways to shop is by choosing locally grown, seasonal produce. When you buy local, you support your community’s economy, and seasonal produce often comes with less packaging. Local farmers are also more likely to use sustainable practices, and their products require less transportation, reducing carbon emissions.

Buying local doesn’t just reduce waste from packaging; it also reduces the food miles (the distance your food travels) associated with your groceries.

7. Avoid Single-Use Plastic

This might seem obvious, but avoiding single-use plastic is one of the key principles of zero-waste living. Look for products that come in recyclable, compostable, or reusable packaging. Items like snacks, frozen foods, and drinks are often wrapped in single-use plastic, which is difficult to recycle and contributes to environmental pollution.

When possible, opt for alternatives like cardboard, paper, or glass packaging. For instance, choose milk in a glass bottle or cheese wrapped in paper rather than plastic.